If you only have texture, model and/or misc mods then you don't need to use offline mode. When you start up the game, make sure you cancel the connection to IOI's servers. Take note that mission and gameplay mods can only work in offline mode as they will be overridden by files from IO Interactive's online servers.
If done correctly, you could have your game look like this if the mod edits the menu backgrounds: It could be any number but if there's already a "chunk0patch4.rpkg", "chunk0patch5.rpkg" or so on, then be sure to change the number of the latest RPKG file to the next consecutive number.

Most mods are usually named "chunk0patchX" in ".rpkg" format with the "X" being a number. The "Runtime" folder will be the location where you place the mods, which is where the game's assets and patches are and the game's been programmed to load up assets and patches from that folder. \Steam\steamapps\common\HITMAN2\Runtime\Once you got your "packagedefinition.txt" file patched/replaced, mods can be loaded in the game. The "packagedefinition.txt" file should be located in: You only have to patch that file once unless the game updates itself or it's been reinstalled. The reason why we have to do this is is so we can tell the game to load up more than 4 patches since there's only 4 vanilla patches for the base game's chunk (assets) and mods are patches. txt file then replace the original "packagedefinition.txt" file with the edited one. If you're using the online editor: just click on "Set Patch Levels", save it as a. You can either use Hardware's Package Definition Patcher to edit the encrypted "packagedefinition" file. First of all, you need to patch the "packagedefinition.txt" file so the game can load up mods.